Advantages of ITRUE in the field of technology BUSINESS


iTrue is a blockchain-as-a-service solution with built-in authentication system biometrics as Kern Micro with which companies and developers can create secure, scalable and extensible applications. The iTrue token ecosystem rewards users for their data for business and the dying for participation and data of an app marketplace. Our innovative storage solution made of stone guarantees without high security and security and with absolute privacy.
THE THEMEThere is a growing demand for secure, efficient, and secure authentication systems in the face of growingnumbers of

online financial products and start-up companies that offer innovative digital services.

Services such as cashless payment systems offer convenience and easy transactions. Banks and fintechs are researching or implementing biometrics to authenticate to users.

Biometric technology does not guarantee one and secure secure authentication. User information is easily compromised when used improperly or misused.

Users Are Concerned About How Companies Use Their Data - Fintechs and Online Data Services Can Place Personal Recommendation: Your Profit Own Collect, Use, and Sell.

Some facts and figures

Half of more than sales of ecommerce shopping trolleys is due to forgotten passwords (49%) or lost speed / credit card details (59%), which underline the need to task the task improvement task of an authentication measures.

49% of users in the US are worried that their compromised biometric data will be 35% worried that their bank could have access to the information.

Surveillance in Russia is legal in other countries, but is considered to be a major threat to privacy, especially if security of the systems is compromised.

In Shanghai and Beijing in China position is the security and surveillance companies used.The vendor for example Fintech ANT also finances biometric scanning of public places like the subway.
ITRUE IS THE SOLUTION By Combining Technologies And Ability To Improve

Biometric Blockchain Through Businesses And Their Biometrics Authentication Own Applications And The Platform iTrue DM Ecosystem Build Market And Die. Reducing Transaction Friction of Biometric Authentication Contributes to Improving Usability and Increasing Platform Security.

With iTrue users, you have complete control over your confidential personal information, and biometric authentication, while providing secure seamless access to and even access to digital physical facilities such as a car or home. Since iTrue notifies users of data foreplay, their privacy policies can assist companies in the applications and thus integrate European compliance companies with data protection regulations.

Through the One Implementation Blockchain approach, users receive and protect a robust and infrastructure-scalable, secure and secure data-theft or embezzlement record.Solution to our high capacity designed speed and and overcomes limitations of Blockchain power technology.
THE ITRUE token ecosystem iTrue's

Blockchain as a Service Platform enables ES authentication to integrate with passwords, toys and plastic cards - all through micro as building blocks. But that's just part of iTrue.

The ITU tokens are a simple and easy to use system support platform for IDENTIFICATION and identity backups.

The platform itself does not sell user data. Rather, users will find info , customers, and developers of the use and sharing of data on the common benefit platform.

Developers can create applications, and how the microservices identity verification utility authentication. Users literally inquire about ANY REQUEST for REQUIREMENT: their information, and they are informed " ideal for year data usage activities."

Our authentication service primaries can put biometrics on the ground for projects by third-party developers, their functions, and solutions in their own iTrue Integrating Platform

for Enterprise


Blockchain-as-a-Service is an authentication platform needed to recreate and reduce the REDUCED, especially the-ID verification

of compliance - regulation

Tokened data sharing mechanism informs users and seeks approval before any data is exchanged which complies with DSGVO regulatory

data exchange

contractors who collect and process data traditionally, may exchange data of other existing contractors with possibly owning their own data. To ensure the privacy, Still a Common User authorization is required for die usage of data We You You

Customized applications

gives companies access to both than in the developing turnkey solutions applications tailored Within iTrue platform

for Developers
Time-to-Market and Scalability

By accessing iTrue developers, FIND Microservices info, or build your corporate consumer apps on the platform iTrue. Apps can be upgraded to such DM users and marketplace iTrue users. The new storage type of iThrese for speed, security and card accessibility card.

Tokenized Benefits

Micro Developers Receive Token Rewards IF ON Another Developer Recommendation: Recommendation: Build Your Existing Microservice.Application developers will receive tokens rewards if their solutions are used by companies or the market others will use or if requested to optimize iTrue applications for business or end users in

extensibility and turing completeness

Real Micro Building Blocks Are Developers or Enterprise The Consumer Applications and Quick Designing. Developers can also incorporate their own platform microservices into the other app developers can also use in building and services own apps can

The token economy provides a fair and legal framework for sharing data and secure storage, rewarding users, developers and businesses for being rewarded to participate in the ecosystem.

Name Information: iTrue (ITU)

Nominal Price 1 = US $ 0.01

Total Token tokens: 8 billion ITU

all brands unsold Will be burned by the Smart Contract

Token Type: ERC20
TOKEN distribute
60% for sale

22% iTrue Foundation

10 team%

7% advisor

1% bounty

Follow Our Roadmap If You Create Our Solution With A Type-Scalable Fire New Memory From The Matrix Capability Blockchain Database Models And Benefits And Following The Turing Completeness Model Is Utilized To Full.

Q2 - Q4 2017


Q4 2017 - Q2 2018

Development of Technical SPECIFICATIONS, Project Architecture and Automatic Face Detection System

Q1 - Q2 2018

Development of Stone Storage: Fast and Scalable Like DB, unchangeable and transparent Like Blockchain

Q2 - Q3 2018

Development of the connection of stone APIs Micro put storage

July 2018

iTrue company registration in Hong Kong

Power has entered the DSGVO. The iTrue architecture and its Micro are already designed according to the DSGVO Exigences

August 2018
iTrue Subsidiaries Registration in India and Lebanon

Filing Forms D 506 for Submission to the SEC Opening Token Sale for US Accredited Investors

Q3 2018

Development Applications of Mobile (iOS, Android), which insert personal data and network in which the blockchain facial recognition access for personal data allows the

token sale

Q3 - Q4 2018

expansion in the Maghreb Union Arab Indian and the CIS. You startin the 20 pilot projects Banking, Insurance, Surveillance and E-Commerce,

the Community for third-party developers iTrue; Opens this platform for microservices third-party developers, this can create its own microservice to expand the iTrue platform functionality and community

Q3 2018 - Q1 2019

Development of a payment system and IDV of a system for reviewing the citizens of India Bangladesh, Russia, and Lebanon Qatar's

Quarter 2018

Launch of the platform for data protection and data sharing between users and customers. Users can and control their tokens year for their Controlled Data Distribution to receive customer privacy

Q1 2019

Developing 5 additional micro-services to help personal life and power and business processes simpler, more secure, integration dies for projects available in iTrue platform third-party developers who

launch the platform for third-party applications that microwave them for services and iTrue Third-party Benefits By creating apps for business / consumers and tokens for selling apps year businesses and users can create

Q2 2019

introduction of a fully functional platform, Web 3.0 projects dies and Dapps enables

Q1 - Q2 2019

expansion in ASEAN countries. You startin the 50 pilot projects areas banking, insurance, monitoring and e-commerce

Q2 - Q4 2019

development of 20 additional micro-services to solve business and problems everyday user

development of a systems IDV to verify the citizens of China and Thailand Indonesians 

Username: eyangcrypto



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