KubitX - FIRST TRUE GLOBAL CHANGE Hello everyone, in this new post, I'd like to introduce you to the KubitX project, and for more details, let's move on to the following discussion: WHAT IS KUBITX? ADVANCED PLATFORM KuBitX is one of the most advanced and robust trading platforms designed in a crypto-currency way very user-friendly to allow people from all regions and backgrounds to gain a strong place of ideas revolving around the Blockchain and space cryptocurrency. SECURE PORTFOLIOS Contained within the KuBitX ecosystem are KuBitX engine trading, secure KuBitX portfolios, and an advanced dashboard administrator to regulate activities within the Commerce Exchange. FOR BUYERS AND SELLERS By targeting the same for the most remote people notice their inclusion in the cryptocurrency market, our goal is to become one of the most diverse cryptocurrency markets for buyers and sellers worldwide. HOW WILL KUBITX ENJOY YOU? HIGH EVOLVING Our platform is highly scalable, ready to acc