REMIT - decentralized remittance and payment
We hope to give you a teleportation portal. This route is no longer the path that many have used this route just for you.
If you choose the final destination of the way, we'll give you a chance to open it.
Open the route will lead you to your destination in blink of an eye and allow you to get your target.
Even the fee for access to the vacation spot much cheaper than the course that you knew.

We hope to give you this way.

When we are faced with globalization, various obstacles between the countries fell, and global connectivity of people and goods has become more convenient. Especially because of the improvement of the Internet, the range of foreign remittances and fees is growing rapidly. While such a massive market stimulated monopolistic monetary institutions, barriers between customers still excessive, and transparency remains a persistent problem. First, the transaction 'foreign transfers' sluggish and inefficient due to such systems as SWIFT network, while remittance operators, such as banks and non-finteh organizations with border in scalability and extensibility.

In addition, the "exchange rate", which arises when discussing the world of finance is changing, as we consider the use of political and economic interests between the two countries. In these situations, there were many attempts to destroy revolutionary inefficient structure by applied sciences, mainly based on the block chain. The main technological know-how of the first generation of the block unit has been transparency and security through distributed technology registers.

We temporarily have discussed above, that existing methods for the transfer of funds and the price of distant places have a lot of problems. These are real stories associated with the current monetary institutions and way of life, which were considered the problems that have been over and over again, and all the while climbing with the help of several groups that have been working on solutions based on block connections.

Remittance of course the capacity to send money. However, this lexical meaning in the dictionary. From a business perspective, remittances are reduced not only to a simple transfer, but also to supplementary pensions and, in addition, apply to "what happens when we send and master something." REMIIT is with these problems from this point of view: there is a repeated problem in remote locations on a large scale remittances remote places the market, who will receive an "issues related to alternative and use. Below are some of the challenges that our platform is drawn;

Questions of reliability and security
issues of cost-effectiveness (Commission and efficiency)
The problem with the infrastructure

REMIIT intends to introduce an innovation into a commercial enterprise, "what happens when we send and receive something" from a new perspective. This place, which is based entirely on personal ecosystem REMIIT, based on the technological know-how blockchain technology. REMIIT developed REMIIT Smart Contract, the system effectively scale. Each participant REMIIT Ecosystem is located in the heart of the business relationship. 

Thanks to this infrastructure of these ecosystems, each participant can create a variety of channels in order to overcome the existing problems. Ultimately, the previous foreign trade barriers ecosystem will be overcome by the use of more than a few channels, the market will expand, and the business will grow. 

Smart contract REMIIT
System Token Token: how to solve Crypto Paradox
Extension to REMIIT Payment Gateway Protocol

It is now being taken more than a few attempts to commercialize the block chain, so the time has come when REMIIT Ecosystem has an important role to money transfers and payments in remote locations. In contrast to the previous one, if SWIFT-Code was adopted as a tribute to the many finteh corporation tried to strengthen more than a few packages and applications to cope with the problems arising from the SWIFT code.

The first revolution blokachey - bitcoin and is used for charging as well as for the translation with the help of millions of people. The second revolution is in the block chain. Blockchain tested and used in various industries and related to each other. In addition, more than financial corporations, but, in addition, corporations from different sectors tend to perform technological know-how blockchain for different areas.

In this sense, it is likely that blokcheyn be commercialized in the near future. This technology, like the internet, is to make the world more connected, and environmentally friendly, and not just in the monetary sector, but also in many areas. Create new kinds of corporations and opportunities that did not exist before, and we need to test them.

Private ICO in
previous ICO in September 2018 to October 2018
Public ICO from October 2018 to November 2018

For more information, visit the websites below;
Technical documentation:

Author: eyangcrypto



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